I Was Injured In A Car Accident In Vancouver, What Should I Do?

A Vancouver car accident can be a life-changing event. Even if you feel you have not been injured in an accident, it can take days or even weeks to become aware of the symptoms of related injuries. It’s important to defend your legal rights beginning the very day of any car accident, no matter how serious or minor.

When you are injured in a car accident, the first thing you should do is write down your recollection of the event. You may be challenged in court, so it is a good idea to make sure your version of events is clear in your mind. You may need to explain the circumstances several times throughout the course of a court case. It’s crucial not to contradict yourself!

The next thing you should do is get a check-up. In the early days after a vehicle accident, only a doctor will be able to notice the subtle signs of injury that could become more serious later. After a thorough review of your health, a doctor can let you know whether a complete recovery is possible, how long it may take and what the related costs may be.

To defend yourself in an accident case, you should take every step possible to show you were not the responsible party. It’s a good idea to get your car or truck examined at a service station. In many cases, this can help you prove your vehicle was in fine working condition prior to the accident, so mechanical failure was not a factor.

It is also a good idea to assemble witnesses who can testify that you were healthy and able to operate a vehicle at the time of the incident. If an accident took place over the weekend or at night, it may be more important to show that you were not under the influence of any substances. Character witnesses can testify to your responsible nature, too.

Contacting a Vancouver personal injury attorney will help you defend your rights. An attorney can take over communication with the authorities and other parties so you are less likely to say things that can be used against you in the courts. A personal injury attorney is also skilled in getting you settlements that can help you with medical and transportation costs. Without an attorney, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the intricacies of such a case!